Existentialism Defeated
I have decided that it's better not to know. That is because if the universe has a purpose, it's probably either a really important one or not very important at all. If it's not that important, it'll mean life's kind of a letdown. It also relegates Man to purposelessness. If the purpose of the universe is quite important, Man, and indeed all of Earth and its living things, probably play a very tiny role in it or none at all, relegating us to the same status as a small colony of bacteria on the tip of a flower petal. Interesting but of no consequence.
In either case our own individual lives are practically meaningless outside the morally relative judgment systems we use. But while these systems may be important to us as we live our lives, in the grand scheme of things they are as much without value or purpose as humanity is.
Thus not knowing for sure of what purpose the universe and eventually the human race and eventually each of us serves spares us the inevitable conclusion that important or not be the purpose of the universe, our purpose or raison d'etre is in any case practically useless and of no import.
But we cannot know this for sure now can we?
Thus purely in terms of maintaining human morale, the entire human race collectively and personally is better off not knowing squat either about the use of the universe itself or our place in it.
Ignorance isn't bliss but sometimes it can lead to it.
Imagine knowing your purpose, having marching orders straight from God. Suppose your orders were to go do something like capture Paris and declare yourself emperor. What if you didn't want to? Or if you failed at it? You'd be a real, objective failure at life itself! Imagine living with that! Truth is you are probably much better off creating your own purpose in life vs. getting one fiated to you from God or whomever.
Are you feeling purposeless? Devoid of mission? Life is on a meaningless course?
Good. You're lucky.