Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Batteries. Suppose one needs a damned Ph.D. in Physics to replace three BATTERIES??!

I replaced two AAA batteries today in a wireless keyboard. '+' goes one way, '-' goes another. Boom, you're done.

Batteries... batteries...

Spacewalking astronauts replace station batteries

Monday, July 13, 2009

If anyone wonders what Brenda and I will be like in 20 years, well, watch these clips from As Time Goes By.

Friday, July 10, 2009

I can't believe it. No, it's not the rejection. I was expecting that. I mean, really. But getting dissed over my DEGREE?? Um, excuse me, but I happen to KNOW that more than a few people have been on the shuttle now who had less than a degree in engineering! And to say my MSIS is not an engineering degree??? Umm, OK, maybe it isn't like ME or EE, but puleeze, does ME or EE fit into the 'classic' definition of "engineering"? Before computers there were 2 kinds of engineers: the kind that steered trains and the kind that worked in the engine room of ships. Now, there are all manner of engineers, none of which would fit into the classic definition. "Oh, they have a big math requirement," you say. Well yeah, they do. Guess what though: computer science stems directly from mathematics.

So I am 41 and have bad feet and asthma and get motion sickness. That's fine, diss me for that reason. But to say I don't have the right degree??

This will not stand. They'll be hearing from me about this, this, travesty!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Could you pass the US citizenship test? I admit I missed two questions on this: who was president during WWI and the number of voting reps in the House. I should have known it would have gone up since I was in grade school since the no. of members is based on population and the US population has gone up quite a bit since then.

I saw Idiocracy for the first time last night. You know, we are not that far off from that world. Scary indeed. The movie itself though was dumb, even dumber than I imagined it would be. I confess I didn't make it through to the end. The opening 5 mins. were about the only part of it really worth seeing, and you can get that for free on MetaCafe.