Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My mom once said that sea-sickness was the only thing that ever made her truly pray for death...

...I'm adding calculus to that.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Just too much fun...

The book in question: American Vertigo
Keillor's review: NYTimes review
Hitchens' review of Keillor's review: Slate article

They should just duke it out. :)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Alive and kicking...

I see now the real agenda here with these science classes. They all know few people take chem, biology, etc. unless they plan on either a career in medicine or they are just plain "different" from everyone else in that they actually like writing &^*%ing lab reports! So they figure those who like this stuff will have no problem staying up late to write them, and those who don't but need it to do other things like apply to med school, well, better get these people used to staying up late anyway since if they're gonna try to become drs., they better get ready for late nights. So either way, hey, it's OK.

Let me just say I will endeavor never to miss another lab not because I don't find them amusing (and tiring - just try breathing even diluted hydrochloric acid fumes for three hours to find out what a chem lab is like) but because I would really rather not have to write two of these reports in the same week-end. I was up last night and the night before until 4:30 AM writing these things. (Has my life not become really pathetic? Week-end, what week-end? It's no longer a time for doing something fun/relaxing or otherwise smelling the roses in some way, but a great time to... write lab reports... ugh... ). One lab report per week is bad enough, but two?

No, gonna do what I can to never duplicate that experience any time soon. But I had to get them out of the way because I have my first chem test this Thursday and need to be clear to bust tail for it for the next t hree days. It's not gonna be easy, I already know this. The prof however has mercifully changed the test time from the school-designated 8:00-9:30 AM to the usual class period time, 11:05. Test times starting at or after 11 AM is an idea whose time has most definitely come. Again, I have no idea how they decided that "common test times" would be just smashing if they are slated to occur only just after the sun has just come up (or in the case of winters in upstate NY, before the sun has come up). I can't believe it's just an accident or perhaps the product of a committee. I think it's intentional institutionalized hazing!!

Well, 'nuff of that. My next shadowing appt. is this week, too, the day after my chem test. Good timing for it.

Oh yes, happy Valentine's Day you people (well, a day or so early).... love you all... hug hug, kiss, kiss... :-)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

*cough* *cough* *sneeze*... it has happened. I actually made it longer than I thought I would. I have come down with some nasty little bug. So as a consequence today I had to skip my first chem lab and will not be shadowing (different doctor than the last one) tomorrow as I had planned.

It could be worse, much worse... I could have this thing toward mid-terms!