Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Missing cat found... search called off...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Brenda and I went to a local farm this past week-end that makes extra money as a petting zoo/mini-amusement center for kids. Needless to say, we enjoyed it a lot. :)

I took some cell vids of Angel meeting some new friends at the farm. Following are the highlights...

Angel Makes New Cow Friend:

Angel and the Alpacas:

Angel and the Black-faced Sheep:

Angel Meets (almost Eats) the Rabbits:

OK, and finally, this is me going down their "kiddie slide". The owner of the farm said a lot more adults go down it than kids. I can see why. That farm is just a beer license away from becoming a year-round Woodstock.

Farm entrance fee: $14. Snacks: $10. These vids: Priceless.