Saturday, April 29, 2006

Yes inded, I too could use a change of subject. :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Today I went to the hospital for my Wed. visit of patients. I got there and went to one of the four patients I was assigned to. Well because of US law (Google "HIPAA" to find out more), the staff couldn't tell me anything explicity, but the message was nonetheless clear: he did not make it to see the sunset today. So, I have lost one, as it were. I also went to see another fellow, a WWII vet, and found out he had been moved to a local hospital's emergency care unit. Well that's better than finding out he had suddenly died, but being he is almost 90 and in need of hospital-like attention even without any other problems arising, I fear he will last much longer.

Well, I better get used to it, if I am going to be anywhere in elder- and palliative-care. Nonetheless, it's a huge downer. :(

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Frying pan, fire. Third chem test done as of today... finals in two weeks. I now go from obsessing about one test to obsessing about two, both of which make this last test look like a quiz in comparison.

The urge to not take Physics classes this summer and do something simple (like getting a job...) is truly overwhelming. But that would tack another year onto the whole Grand Plan, so I am torn between two imperatives. But this is par for the course. I mean, why should I expect it to be any different from anything else?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Pauli Exclusion Principle:
"The Pauli exclusion principle is a quantum mechanical principle formulated by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925, which states that no two identical fermions may occupy the same quantum state simultaneously."

My contribution to science, "The St. Pauli Girl Exclusion Principle":

No one you are not very good friends with will know you have a 12-pack case of St. Pauli Girl in your fridge.
--> Corollary: After a 12-pack case of St. Pauli Girl, no one is excluded from the possibility of you diddling them.

Sort of regressing a bit in my sense of humor, being 'round all these college kids. :)
Amazing. Perhaps by the time I get there, I will be able to get a combined MD-MFA. :-)

Monday, April 17, 2006

So it's been some time since I posted, but I am A-OK. There's a battle for my soul on-going-- I am considering going for PA-hood rather than MD-hood. It would take less time, the pay's almost as good [not that it matters... ;)] and you get to be as clinical as you want to be, doing almost everyhing a dr. does but without the nasty liability, etc. It really seems like a possible, viable alternative. Of course you can't say "I'm a doctor!" at cocktail parties, but really, how many drs. have time for cocktail parties these days anyway?

Third chem test of gen-chem 2 is upcoming, on Thursday... no rest for the wicked... but praise God, labs are almost done for the semester. My latest hobbies include studying and panicking over tests.

Now just imagine being an ob/gyn specialist if you were one of these beasties... I imagine there'd be some real interesting post-delivery issues.