Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well, praise be, my second calc test was not that hard-- or maybe it just felt that way because the topics covered were ones I actually studied! So I guess now I just wait for the grade...

Frying pan to fire, in two weeks my third chem test hits. At this point, one month away from the end of the semester, only about 1/3 of the chem grade is accounted for. This is what's called a "bottom-heavy" class - most of the grade is counted at the bottom of the semester, just when holidays start - gee, whooppee! So two kinds of students are rewarded: the late-bloomers and the persistent types. I am hoping to be of type 1. ;) In any case I can't register yet for next semester because I am non-matriculated-student-scum, and we don't get our shot at the courseware until Dec. 1. But the good news is, I am still taking classes with large enrollment margins, so I don't anticipate a problem getting a seat in my classes for next semester.

I also am in process to get a doctor to shadow, if not this semester, then next. What will happen when I actually spend a few days with a doctor? After seeing what they actualy do, will I be tempted to switch to something like pharmacology? >)


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