Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Have you never been mellow??? I mean, have you ever tried, for Chrissakes??

So I drove back from a diner to the library parking lot to start my evening calc test test review. This entails taking heaps of past tests the prof mercifully makes available and doing them to see what I can and can't figger out. [But this afternoon I felt the breath of hope. Reviewing one test I came up with some of my own sneaky tricks for doing things like finding derivatives implicitly or using the various rules associated with multiple-term derivations (OK, I know... yaaawwwnnnnn.... I am boring you... but bear with me...)]. Anyway, pulling into the BLOODY FULL library lot at my school, on comes this on WFKL: Have you never been mellow. Now, I hadn't heard this song in years, nor did I know John Farrar wrote it or that Olivia Newton-John (on whom I had mad a mad lust-driven crush when I was a "tween-ager") sang it, too. This is like so many songs from my childhood-- I recognize them but don't know who does them. Well, it was nice to hear this song as I drove around looking for a parking spot. Somehow, I found one.

I guess mellowness paid off... this time anyway...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Matthew, what a great 70's reference! Although, it's tough to see "mellow" and "calc" in the same paragraph. Are you in the presence of Prof. Neisendorfer?? Hmmmmmmmmm!

By the way, the "word verification" field of this comment is "pasabvtx," which technically is not a word, if you must know!

November 16, 2005 8:51 PM  

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