Thursday, September 29, 2005

First Test in Chem report...
Good news: I did really well, or so I think. :)
Bad news: I did not even get to the last question on the test. :(
Good news: I can still get an A on the test even if I didn't do the last question on it. :)
Bad news: I have to get virtually the entire rest of the test right to get an A. :(

Grades will be in next week some time. Oh, the waiting...

In the mean time, I know this will amuse more than a few of you, particularly you lawyer-types out there; click the link and search on "Space 1999".

Yes, you read that right. It has become immortalized in US case law. The sentence it appears in is cited in other later decisions, too (probably gratuitously in many cases but hey, a judge has to have some fun in life). I found out about it by reading this Wiki entry. But of even more interest is some of the other Wiki entries it links to-- did you know the designer of the costumes for this show invented, among other things, the thong bikini? Or that the F/X man who did most of the camera magic also worked on "Alien" and "The Empire Strikes Back", taking Academy Awards for them?

Wiki just plain rocks for trivia.


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