Monday, October 27, 2008

First week-end in a month not on any kind of pain-killers and let me just say I have little urge to abuse the meds. Amazing how truly whacked out that stuff makes you. I looked over some code I wrote in the past month and spent the whole of this AM turning it into something that someone may actually want to look at.

Speaking of gunk, the missus and I went to a 'psychic fair' on Sunday. It was all in good fun. We didn't get our palms read or anything but there was this vendor selling footbaths there. Yes, you read that right. Apparently these footbaths are rather special; they suck toxins out of your body via the feet through using negatively charges ions in the water. The idea is really very simple; bad stuff in the body tends to be positively charged and floating loose, since the body doesn't really want to hold onto it. The negative ions attract the positive ones attached to the bad stuff. Since we are about 90% water, the bad stuff just shoots through us down to where the positive ions are and out it comes through the pores of the feet. The picture below is what my footbath looked like after 20 mins.

Pretty disgusting, huh? So after returning home, I started surfing. I decided I needed to use one of these things regularly. The machines they were selling (of course) cost ~$750. Via the magic power of eBay, I found the same thing for $99 and promptly ordered it. I'm tellin' ya, how can you make money in a marketplace where all it takes is one jerk to come along and spoil your margins? I figured if spas and other such places were charge $20-$50 per session, it made a lot more sense to buy the machine rather than rent it.

Other than that, not much news to report. Oh yeah, the stock market is in the tank. But that isn't news to anyone who doesn't live under a rock.


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