Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Good news, bad news. Good news is, I found my GPS! It had been hiding from me in my car. Bad news is, I reinjured by lower back somehow so now I am hobbling around on a cane until my MD and I can make a plan. I am hoping it doesn't entail surgery but if it did, I am glad to know surgery on the lower back has come a long way since my old man had his for a herniated disc (which I also have) back in 1982 or thereabouts.

I want to plug this product: http://gravitydefyer.com/ After seeing it in an airline catalog on our trip back from Mexico, I knew it was meant for me. I got a pair just yesterday and even with my current hip-pain from my disc issue, I can tell it makes walking and standing feel so much better. I can only imagine what sort of time scores we'd see in the Olympics for running events if these were allowed.

Oh yeah, "the market", of course: I am in nothing now but some metals. Nationalizing the larger banks (no such thing as 'partial nationailzation', just like there is no such thing as 'partially pregnant') will have a very bad effect on the value of the USD. Unfortunately there seems to be no currency-based safe haven, as the Euro has the same problem and the underlying currencies (the mark, pound, peso, etc.) of course do as well. What advice would I give if I were asked "Gee, what do you think I ought to do now with my cash?" Other than metals, I really don't know. But I'll think about it some. There may be some opportunity in some parts of the US to go into real estate successfully, but real estate isn't my forté. So I'll have to sleep on it I guess. But I better not sleep too long, not in this market. ;)


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