Thursday, February 28, 2008

Men: Ever thought of yourself as a sissy? [Please resist the urge to post something snarky like “No, but you on the other hand…”]

Most men at some point admit to themselves that inside them, there is a craven little sissy who just wants his milk and mommy. Modern shrinks say simply this is the “Inner Child” at work, and indeed, it probably is, and you know, there’s nothing wrong with that. Even lions, the Kings of the Jungle, like to hide away during the day and sort of lay low and avoid conflict until nightfall when the hunter in them comes to the surface and then, it’s all business, blood and guts. But until then, the lion is sort of like a neutered house-cat. So even he has an “Inner Kitten”.

But what about good old-fashioned, against-the-wall-and-shoot-him-for-cowardice, crimes-against-testosterone, not-worth-his-salt, forsaking-the-office-of-traditional-manly-roles, cravenly, cowardly tendencies, the kind that makes you want to call Uncle Fred and have him pull some strings in the War Department to make sure you get a nice comfy desk job back at HQ rather than get sent to the front lines where all the REAL MEN are?

Well, this may well explain it. From the article:

And, whether or not this is the cause, male sperm counts have been dropping precipitously both here and across the world.

Studies in more than 20 countries have shown that average amounts have fallen by well over half in the past 50 years, from an average of more than 150 million per millilitre to 66 million.

The result is that men are now less than half as fertile as hamsters.

The counts are continuing to plunge by two per cent a year, and no end to the decline is in sight. At this rate, the average man will be unable to father children within decades.
Recent tests by WWF (formerly the World Wildlife Fund) on 14 basic foodstuffs taken from supermarket shelves found that every single one contained PCBs, and most were contaminated by phthalates.

Both substances have been shown to have deeply worrying effects on babies and children.

Scientists at Rotterdam's Erasmus University have found that boys born to mothers exposed to PCBs grew up wanting to play with dolls and tea-sets.

And research at the University of Rochester in New York State has shown that the male children of women exposed to phthalates have smaller penises and other signs of feminisation of their genitals.

Communities exposed to high levels of these and other gender-bender chemicals, from the Great Lakes of North America to the Russian Arctic, have been found to give birth to twice as many girls as boys.

Normally 106 boys are born for every 100 girls, in what is thought to be nature's way of compensating for the fact that males were more likely to be killed hunting or in conflict.

But increasingly this ratio is slipping - it is calculated that 250,000 babies who would have been boys have been born girls in the U.S. and Japan alone.

So men, if you have at some point tried to father kids and had a problem, or if you keep churning out girls (I have a friend from college who has had three kids, all girls; another has 4 girls and one boy; I know no one with that same ratio for boys:girls), this is probably why.

And even better, now you have somethig to explain away that little tea-set you keep under the bed next to your trusty squirrely rifle. :)

Not unrelatedly, take a look here, from the "Those guys are nuckin' futs" dept.:

I wonder what "Dude, you first!" is in their language?

And I always thought the gang initiation of "beating in" was rough... ugh, this makes it look like work for a merit badge during summer camp. I'll bet these guys have no issues with PCBs. Masculinity self-image? Yes. PCBs? No.

Finally, got this from my friend John, which is how I found that video above. You'll never look at chimps and cute little doggies quite the same way.


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