Friday, July 01, 2005

Signed the posting papers today and the sucker hits the market late next week. In the mean time, hope y'all have a great 4th!

Newsflash: DC plans to test its latest evacuation plan on July 4 by changing the traffic lights on all major downtown routes on Monday night, 15 mins. after the downtown fireworks have ended.

Let's just say that I don't plan on being there.

Which leads me to another topic: "Beltway Mystique". Perhaps one day in the past it was fashionable, sexy, mystique-like to live in or near "The Beltway". While it's true this is the capital of the single most powerful country in the world, it's also true that everything you have ever heard about getting around in this area as being something like life in Hell has probably been understated. But hey, if you want a powerful regional economy, you have to expect nasty traffic and population issues. There ain't no free lunch.


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