Saturday, June 18, 2005

The die is cast. I have booked storage space and moving help for next week. Tonight, one of my cats is going to my friend's house. We'll see how it goes-- keep your fingers crossed! I am a lot less worried about the idea of moving cats from one place to another than I am how my precious wee babies will deal with it-- ie, will they be freaked out, even for the short-term? How will they view life from now on as a result? Will they need little kitty shrinks to help them deal with this traumatic experience later in life?? OK, I just gotta get a grip here...

I have a new cell number, too, along with a new cell phone. 'bout time, really. The phone I was using was vintage 2000. It had an LCD and only two control buttons! Ahh, the good old days....


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