Thursday, July 21, 2005

An eventful day indeed. I made the offer on house #2 and they accepted, so it looks like, Lord willin' and the crik don't rise, I am back in bidness. They will settle, too, by 8/15 which was an important issue for me, too, since classes up here start in Sept. Speaking of which I decided in the end to register with my old alma mater, so now I have a UR student ID badge once again and will be taking two classes in the Fall. It's all so weird, walking through the various hallways and in some cases seeing the same pictures and stuff that have been there since I first went there. Well at least the ID badges are sexier than they used to be. But that picture of that guy on this new one I have-- it's not the same one as the one I had on my ID of 15 years ago, that's for sure. We all get a wee older...

Anyway, by popular demand, here's the place: my new place.


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