An Adventure In Moving
If you're reading this, you MAY be here because you are curious to know how my move from Rochester, NY to San Antonio, TX is going. To keep interested parties in the loop, I will blog the high points.
First high point was today. I have been shopping for a used RV to transport my cats in, preferring an RV over a van, plane, etc. I had two strong contenders identified but for different reasons they both failed to pan out. Luckily I found an RV rental service that allows one-ways between NYC and Dallas. I managed to secure one for this Friday with an expected arrival of Monday or Tuesday. Eight cats in an RV. What could possibly go wrong?
Well I was able to rent the RV, or so it seems, but I had movers (Colonial Van Lines) set up to get my stuff today or tomorrow. They informed me that as of today, they cannot guarantee they will pick up my stuff tomorrow or Thursday. So naturally I lost it on them. I plan to sue them if they don't give me a full refund. And may I advise others to steer clear of them. They appear to be fatally feckless.
So I am scrambling now for a mover to get my stuff by Thursday. As for the cats and myself, I will be road-tripping to NYC in a rented SUV and will transfer them to the RV and then off we go. We'll have quite the time, the 9 of us. I'll try to blog pictures of stuff as we go, assuming my smart phone will let me upload photos to Blogger. If I can't get my stuff moved by Thursday I'll have a company get the stuff after I have left. There is so far just one part of my move that looks like it is going off as planned: my car. The auto transporter diver, a Russian immigrant living in the US for the past 25 years with whom I chatted briefly earlier this evening, is going to haul my 2003 Accord 1850 miles and drop it off at my new digs. Let's hope at least this part of the plan can go off.
My house hits the market in early February.
From now on, everything will go just fine. No hitches. Like clockwork. Oy...
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