Monday, June 26, 2006

First I've heard of this here Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America thingy. It's for real, a .gov web site and all! I guess it was inevitable, really; Europe has the EU, we gotta do something to match it. Yep, our future has "The United States of North America" (or something like that) in it. Sounds a little like Orwell's "1984" some, what with the three Big Countries he had in the novel, doesn't it? Eerie... but there's humor to be found in it. Can you see the linguistic impications in Mexico and Canada effectively the same country? "Eh senor, where's the nearest Tim Horton's, eh?"

OK, so, I'm bad. >)

In other news, I started my new contract job today. Alas I got my ID badge but can't actually start work until my computer and cubicle (yes, back to a cubicle... *sigh*.. no more spoiled-IT-worker-in-his-own-office routine for me!) are set up. So I may not actually do any work until next week! But you know, this sort of thing used to bother me, but it doesn't anymore. It has come to pass that I just take what comes and accept "the system", even at times seeing virtue in it...

... O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two grape-juice-scented tears trickle down the sides of my nose. It is all right, everything is all right, the struggle is finished. I have won the victory over myself. I love Big Brother.


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